Monday, October 19, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen.....Derek Hartley

 Derek Hartley co host of The Derek and Romaine Show on Sirius/XM's Out Q, took time out of his busy schedule to talk to me. I hope you guys enjoy it. JD

 Derek. You have had a very interesting string of employment You were working for AOL in the early days of the internet. SONY Pictures, as well as working as a columnist for Planet Out. What do you remember most about the work you did for these companies, what experiences from those times do you fondly remember? What did you take away from them that served you now?

Every job I have had (and I have had many) has brought me to this moment. But that is how life is. You never know sometimes where things are leading you, what minor occupation you have that will come in handy later. After I left SONY, I was bumming around, temping, I didn’t know what to do next. But I had a little entertainment industry experience and I was writing a syndicated entertainment column and it helped me get a job doing celebrity interviews part-time at From there, I became the content program manager and started developing online content and features. This was 1996. Online was a whole new world and it was an opportunity to use all of my past experience and bring it to something new. And that twist of fate brought me all directly to where I am today. I met the friends I now have in NYC. I met my roommate Mike. Everything I have today is a direct result of things not working out for me at SONY. So even though I was sad when
that job ended, it ending is what brought me everything. It is a good lesson that even when things don’t go your way in the moment, it might actually be working to your advantage in the long term.

 What was a young Derek Hartley like as a kid? When did you realize that you were gay? Many gay men and women like myself knew at an early age, but were unable to express it or deal with it until much later in life. How did you deal with that at the time? What was the moment that you realized that this would be a big part of your identity throughout the rest of your life? How did you deal with it?

I knew I was gay in the second grade. I didn’t come out until I was 22, but I knew very early on. As a kid I was much like I am right now. I was extremely literal. A know-it-all. I didn’t have a lot of friends. I preferred to be alone and read and write. And I watched way too much television. Aside from drinking alcohol, nothing really has changed about me. I’m taller. That’s it.

 Years ago I sold Sirius radios for Circuit City. Sirius was the underdog at the time. I took it home and the first show I came across was The Derek and Romaine Show. How did you get started with the company and what was the story behind that? What kick started your radio career?

If I may shamelessly plug my new book “Colonnade: A Life In Columns” I tell the story there. It really isn’t much of a story though. Back in 1996 at the launch party for, I met the two people that would change my life: Emil Rensing and John McMullen. Emil is straight and was working at AOL in the early days developing partner sites like PlanetOut. He got me my first job in NYC in 2001. John is gay and was doing internet radio at the time. He wanted to do a radio show with me, and we never really got it together online. But in 2002, I was in NYC (because of Emil) and John was working at SIRIUS and it was right place, right time. Kismet.

 In the early days of the show, Did you think that it would become what it is today? How did it feel to be forging new territory on one of the very first GLBT stations in radio history? Did you and Romaine have a plan on what you were doing in those days, or were you flying by the seat of your pants. Of those early days, What do you remember about the first year of the show? Does any one memory stick in your mind? Are you surprised how Sirius has grown as a company from those early days?

The main thing I remember about the first year was being irritated by Romaine. We didn’t know each other. We met once before doing the show together. And I will tell you that doing a radio show is a very intimate thing in a way. We joke that we are married but it really is like being married. And in the first year, it was an arranged marriage and neither of us was happy with the arrangement. But, the show was an instant, out of the box success. It was clear in the first few weeks that our show and Michaelangelo’s shows were the standouts and six and a half years later, we are the only two original shows left. It wasn’t until March 2004, almost a full year after we launched, that Romaine and I really sat down and hashed it all out between us. It was then that our unholy alliance was formed. Now we finish each other’s sentences, know what the other one is thinking. That doesn’t mean we don’t irritate each other every once in a while, but we are
united as one in our ambition and heaven help whoever tries to come between us.

 I have been listening for six years now. I have listened to the evolution of the radio show from day one. What over the years have you contributed to the show that still sticks with it today. What things specifically did you two create, and what might be considered happy accidents? Who came up with calling the listeners "The Bitches"?

The biggest thing, and I think Romaine would agree, is that it has always been about the listeners. Getting listeners. Keeping listeners. Building that relationship. Making them happy. We give away more prizes than anyone else. We travel to events more than anyone else. Romaine and I both from the start had a similar vision for the show. We wanted it to be light and fun. A way to get away at the end of the day. That has never changed. The bitches thing I came up with, loosely based on the story of nightclub owner Texas Guinan in 1920s Manhattan who would greet her patrons with “Hello suckers!” every night. Suckers didn’t seem right but bitches worked. I wanted something that was uniquely ours and would make everyone listening feel like they were a part of something.

 Some may say this is opinion but The Derek and Romaine Show just happens to be the most popular show on Out Q. Have you ever had problems with any people you work with because of the growth and popularity of the show? Are there things you regret either saying or doing to anyone you have worked with in the early days of the show, or now? Has there been producers or people you have had issues with because of working on a gay show?

Of course we think we have the most popular show. But we aren’t the only ones who think their show is #1. We have a healthy competition with all of the other shows on OutQ but it is very friendly. We all recognize that we work in an ego business and we all have our own egos. At the same time, we work in a place where 500 other people do what you do. It’s like being an assembly line welder in a car factory. “Oh, you weld cars? Me too.” It knocks you down a peg when you walk down the hall and in two minutes pass twenty different people who do the same job you do. The folks at Sirius and now XM have been incredibly supportive of the show and the channel. A lot of employees listen to our show, gay and straight. And even if they don’t listen, they know exactly who we are. I think people would be surprised to know just how friendly our relationships are with people in some many very different parts of the company, from channels as different as The Catholic Channel or Shade 45, to the guys who work in the sports department to the folks who fly the satellites. There is only one guy at work I have a real problem with and he doesn’t work on our channel. I will tell you his is another host, works in the music department and he is a total dick.

 You do so much with Pride festivals and other GLBT events in working with the show. What memories do you have that stick out in your mind? How has the evolution of the show changed your experiences with those events now as opposed to the early days. What is the one moment you remember most, and what would be your worst experience in dealing with Pride across the country then and now?

Romaine and I are at our best when we are on the road. We travel great together. Honestly, after we stop doing the show, I would totally take an annual vacation with Romaine and have that be the only time we ever see each other. Our worst pride experience was Charlotte Pride 2005. The stage manager quit that morning, they didn’t have any money to pay the talent, no one even went to the airport to pick some of them up. And about 1000 people showed up with roughly 300 silent protesters walking through the park wearing red shirts about being drenched in the blood of Christ. But that was the pride where Romaine met Iris, so even the worst experiences can have a silver lining.

 Your show is only one of the shows on Out Q that has a chat room that runs live with the show. What is the story behind it and do you think it is a positive aspect of your show?

The chat room is a mixed blessing. It actually is not good for the show because it is distracting and a microscopic part of the audience ever goes in there. But the people who go really seem to like it and it is good to build that sense of community among the listeners. Other shows do other things. Mike creates a lot of video of his show and puts it on the web. That’s great stuff, especially since he gets so much breaking news on his show. It really helps to get the word out which is good for the community and his show. Everyone is different.

 What is the origin of "The Rules", who thought them up and why are they so important to the show or was there a specific reason they came into being?

The most important rule is #1: please don’t stalk us. This started nearly at day one because both Romaine and I wanted to make it clear that we loved the close relationship with the listeners but we needed to have boundaries. So we thought if we had some fun with it, we could get the message across. The rules just built quickly from there. It keeps some structure to a show that has, as its hallmark, total unpredictability.

 What experiences have you had with listeners over the years stick out in your mind? What would you say would be the most unsettling of them. Has there ever been a time when a listener has crossed the line with you that you can remember? What would be the one memory you would say sticks in your mind as a positive when it comes to listeners? Has the merger changed the amount of people who try to gain access to you?

Honestly, most of the listeners are very friendly and respectful and understanding. Most of the time, they tell us how surprised they are that we are so nice in person, especially me. I really do try to be nice and talk to listeners and really listen to them and make myself available on the road. Fortunately, we live in a place where there aren’t many listeners, so our lives are very normal and boring. So it is a treat to go on the road and feel famous for a couple of days. I think if I was harassed at the supermarket the experience would get old fast.

 You have recently added Author to you list of accomplishments. Colonnade: A Life in Columns, which comes out on the 28th of this month. Which is available at What made you decide at this time to put out a book ? What did you want to accomplish? What is the story behind the story?

I have been threatening to write a book for years. Finally I just decided to do it. I am turning 40 on the 28th and it just seemed ridiculous that I was getting so old and I still hadn’t done something as simple as write a book. I had planned for the book to cover about eight years of my life but it sprawled rapidly out of control and was way too long. So it just concentrates on my first two years in NYC and how I got the radio show. I tell the stories of all the guys I slept with, which I don’t do very often on the show. It ended up being more personal than I thought it would be, but I think if people like me on the show and they want to know more, I needed to put out a book that covered things I didn’t cover on the air.

 I notice that there are things you do not discuss on the show. Did you worry about some of the things you put in the book? Did you think it would offend some people in your life? Did you think it would upset your family with the content? Did that influence your editorial style?

I really just wrote the book. After I finished it, I started having all kinds of second thoughts. I talk about my sex life a lot. A LOT!!! I didn’t remember that part of my life being so sexual, but when you put it all down suddenly it comes off as very slutty. I don’t worry about offending people because I think I come off worse than anyone in the book. But I needed to tell the truth as I see it. I talk about guys I dated and how it ended and I take responsibility for what I can. It’s brutally honest and I can’t be sorry about that part. I have to assume that the people in my life will recognize that and let it be what it is.

Thinking back now. Do you think that the show has helped some of your listeners when it comes to their own coming out? I know for myself , being stuck in such a small rural town that the show and the chat room was instrumental in that. It is a good place to connect with other gay listeners. So do you think the show you started six years ago has had a positive impact that you can look back and be proud of?

We never set out to have a show about anything, or that helped people, or changed their lives. It is just supposed to be as much fun as we can make it for four hours. Some days are easier than others! But if that helps people, we couldn’t be more grateful and honored. Truly. I know Romaine feels the same way I do about this. We get really profound emails or phone calls sometimes and when it happens we both look at each other and shake our heads. Out of our fart jokes and vagina talk, this is what people got. It is amazing to us, and it’s a happy surprise when it happens.

 So besides "Postcards From The Edge". What books, films, music turns you on or excites you these days. What does Derek Hartley love to do in his spare time. What excites you now on a personal and artistic level.

What do you mean besides Postcards? Postcards is my life! I love that movie. I recently gave a book as a gift to someone and it is an extraordinary book. “West With The Night” by Beryl Markham is an amazing memoir and it has good lessons about life and loss and what is really important. And it is funny and thrilling too. I can’t recommend it enough. My taste in things is so personal and weird and eclectic. If you saw the songs in my iPod, you wouldn’t even know what to make of it.

Where do you see yourself and the show five years from now and what do you think you will be doing after your stint with Sirius is over?

I really don’t see myself still doing the show in five years. But then again, I didn’t think we would make it to five when we first started. So what do I know? Romaine wants to do this until she dies. I think at a certain point, it will be unappealing. Maybe it has already peaked and we don’t even know it. I don’t know. This is the longest I have ever continuously held the same job. I wrote my column for eight and a half years but that was really a part-time thing. I don’t know what I will do next. I never have. I just move on when the time feels right.

 What is next for Derek Hartley? Is there anything you would love to accomplish that you have not done so far? What drives you to keep going and forging ahead.

I wish I knew what was next for me. I really have no idea. I have really done so many of the things I wanted to do. I have travelled the world, met interesting people. I guess what drives me down is comfort, plain and simple. I like having a little space, a little money in the bank, a big TV, a comfortable bed. I have never been someone who needed the latest anything or the most expensive whatever. I live a very simple life and I like it simple. It doesn’t take much to make me happy. If this book does well, I will probably write at least a couple more. I enjoyed doing it and I would do it again.

I almost forgot to ask. Who was the one guest that you had the chance to meet on the show that you did not think you would ever meet? Who was your favorite guest? What was the worst experience you have had with any guest on the show and would never have back on because of the way they were? Is there someone you have been wanting to get on the show that you have not been able to?

The most exciting guest for me was Olivia Newton-John. I loved Grease as a kid, saw it almost as many times as Star Wars. And she was so lovely. I also got a kick out of meeting Charo. And we danced together. That was amazing. The radio show has afforded me a lot of opportunities to meet cool people: Jason Bateman, Dame Joan Plowright, Seann William Scott, Samuel L. Jackson. What a gift. Even the worst guest on the show, Amy Sedaris, wasn’t her fault. She really didn’t want to be there and the publicist made her do it. We will never make that mistake again. I am sure she is a lovely, wonderful person, but our time on the radio was some of the worst ten minutes of my life.

Any last quote or advice you want to leave for the readers?
Fate hands us the life it hands us. Not much we can do about it. We all pulled a card in the genetic lottery. You get what you get. What makes the difference in life is what you do with it and how you feel about it. And if you are young, learn to love how you look. No matter what. Really love it. Because later, when it all starts to slowly melt away, you will definitely hate it. Don’t waste your time hating what you have because you will have so much time at the end to resent what you lost along the way.

Thank you Derek for taking the time to talk to me. You can catch Derek Hartley on The GLAAD Award winning  Derek and Romaine Show on Out Q, Sirius Satelite Radio.(Sirius 109) or XM Radio(XM 98) 6 to 10 pm EST. If you want to read more about Derek, click here to order his book and show him the money!!.


333 said...

This not only looks fantastic, I am glad you are writting this blog! Derek should be proud of this! VERY NICE!

Congrats on getting Derek to do an interview for you!

JD W. said...

Thank you I appreciate that.

greggar said...

I enjoyed reading about derek. I was wondering if Derek is partnered or see himself partner in the future?

JD W. said...

Derek is seeing Bobby Rail. Its been on the show for weeks. That is why I did not ask the question.